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Direct drive motors are an integral part of the mechanical assembly, therefore eliminating the need for mechanical transmission elements such as couplings, gearboxes or belt and pulley systems.
KBM™ Series Frameless Motor
TBM™ Series Frameless Motor
TBM™2G Frameless Motors
IL Series Ironless Linear Motor
ICH Ironcore Linear Motors
Cartridge DDR (Direct Drive Rotary) Servo Motor
RBE(H) Series Brushless Motor
High Pressure/High Temperature Motors
KinetiMax™ Outer Rotor Motor
Quantum Frameless Brushless Servo Motors
HT Series Torque Motor
MegaFlux Torque Motor
Direct drive motors work very similarly to most brushless DC motors, where magnets are attached to the rotor of the motor and windings are arranged on the stator. The windings produce electro-magnetic fields as they are energised which either attract or repel the rotor's magnets. Controlled motion is produced when the commutation of power is switched to the windings.
There are many benefits to using a direct drive motor including:
There are two types of direct drive motors; direct-drive rotary motors and direct drive linear motors. Direct drive rotary motors generally are the most frequently used.
Direct Drive Rotary Motors
Direct drive rotary motors work by magnets that are attached to the rotor of a motor and windings arranged on the motor’s stator, which is the stationary part of a rotary system. As the windings are energised, electromagnetic fields are produced which attract and repel the magnets within the rotor.
Direct Drive Linear Motors
A direct-drive linear motor is essentially a rotary motor that is laid out flat, directly mounted on to the driven load. Magnets are energised in a linear sequence to attract and repel fixed magnets, enabling the payload to move along the track.