When used with a ball bush bearing, the Thomson 60 Case Shafting ensures optimal bearing performance and travel life. The 60 Case shafting is manufactured to the highest quality standards in an ISO 9000:2000 registered facility. While shafts may appear to look the same to an untrained eye, manufacturing practices and standards significantly impact roundness, straighness, case hardness and qualities of shafting that customers care about. Features include: Available in most material types and options Made of high quality, specially developed alloy steel Induction hardened with Rockwell values specific to the desired material Case Depth is precisely controlled for consistent quality Centerless ground for an industry leading cataloged surface finish of 8 Ra max Roundness within .000080" for Class L, S, D, M and .000050" for Class N Straight within .001" per foot cumulative when shipped from the factory Cut to your specified length Stocked with radial holes drilled and tapped to accept a continuous shaft support rail Conditioned for corrosive environments RoundRail Linear Guides & Components Brochure