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Servo motors are well suited to precision to applications where accurate control of motor speed, position and/or torque is required. Advantages of Servo Motors Servo Motors are used throughout many industries and have the following advantages; High efficiency High output power...
Slip rings are a mechanical device that allow the transmission of electrical power and signals from a fixed point to a rotating device and are used to simplify the operation of a system or improve its mechanical performance. Slip rings are used across many industries including construction,...
How does a Direct Drive Motor work? Direct drive motors are either linear or rotary motors and are an integral part of the mechanical assembly. The motors essentially eliminate the need for mechanical transmission elements such as couplings, gearboxes or belt and pulley systems. Direct drive...
How does a Linear Actuator work? Linear actuators work by moving an object or piece of equipment in a straight line, moving an object extremely accurately and repeatably if required. The primary reason for designing a linear actuator into a system is for the need to move a payload in a linear...
Ball bearings within a ball screw roll along the track in a similar way to ball bearings in a standard rotary ball race, therefore eliminating the sliding friction associated with lead screws. The ball bearings are continually recirculated through the ball nut, distributing the load and picking up...
Servo motors offer exceptional performance over traditional DC brushed motors as the motors are commutated using electronics rather than carbon brushes. There are various options available including brakes, multiple feedback devices and different IP ratings. Incorporating a servo motor within...