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These application areas, just like their large scale counterparts, are characterised by the need to efficiently process waste material with minimal costs and maximum efficiency. By transferring the processing and materials recovery of bulk waste to outside contractors, in the form of foodstuffs,...
As a business, we are constantly reviewing any potential risks caused by COVID-19. In particular for our employees, customers and the continued supply of our products, The current guidelines have been considered. We have implemented the following activities to ensure protecting our employees and...
Recently updated with an improved gear reduction design, Spinea’s TwinSpin G series gear units feature a higher torque density and reduced lost motion for significantly improved performance over previous generation models. Available in wide choice of modular configurations, with an input...
As part of MRMC’s impressive array of ‘motion rigs’, Heason Technology has recently supplied design expertise and components for an EtherCAT controlled 6-axis hexapod that is used as a model mover. With its 1500 kg payload, MRMC’s servo motor driven ‘motion...
Selection of the appropriate RediMount adapter is made simple with Thomson’s Linear MOTIONEERING product sizing and selection tool - used to calculate the optimised combination of linear actuator or gear unit with an appropriate motor. The tool will generate the dimensional detail for the...
The manipulator was used as part of the enabling technology for the world-wide Avogadro Project that was formed to redefine the kilogram as the SI unit of mass in terms of the Planck constant and the atomic mass of Silicon-28. On the 20th May 2019, on World Metrology Day, the global metrology...