First Aiders in the Workplace As an employer, we have the responsibility of ensuring we have a specific number of trained first aiders in the workplace. The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 require employers to provide appropriate first aid equipment, facilities and people. To make sure we stay on top of our responsibilities and comply with the latest legislation, we currently have four first aiders in the workplace, who are regularly sent to refresher training courses to ensure their knowledge of first aid is always up to date. What are the responsibilities of a First Aider? The role of a first aider in the workplace is to ensure that immediate help is given to employees should they be taken ill at work or suffer an injury. These can include: Bleeding (minor and severe) Shock Burns Seizures Choking Resuscitation How many First Aiders are needed in the workplace? Do you have the adequate amount of first aiders in the workplace? If you’re unsure, use the St John Ambulance online calculator to find out what your requirements are for first aiders and first aid kits. All employers are legally responsible to ensure that there is adequate and appropriate first aid cover for staff and visitors in the event of an accident. Have a look at the First Aid at Work – Essentials at a Glance checklist if you are unsure about your training needs. St John Ambulance First Aid St John Ambulance is the leading first aid and health and safety charity in the UK and are the trainer of choice for hundreds of companies, local authorities and members of the public. Our employees undertake the Emergency first aid at work training course through St John Ambulance. The course provides attendees with the knowledge and skills they need as the responsible first aiders in the workplace. During the course they covered: The role of the first aider Health and safety (first aid) regulations Managing an emergency Resuscitation (adult CPR) Communication and casualty care Seizures (adult) Bleeding (minor and severe) Shock Burns Unresponsive casualty Choking (adult) Defibrillator pad placement Defibrillator prompts and how to respond On completion of the course, employees who pass are awarded with a St John Ambulance certificate which is valid for 3 years. Have any questions? Email us at [email protected] or call us on +44 (0) 1403 792 300. Article published on: 10/07/2019 Article last updated on: 10/07/2019